Friday, March 23, 2007

Events Galore ! ! !

Did I mention that I am Buddist?
Went to a Buddist Temple in Greenbelt and Ask Buddha to give me unlimited wealth, success, good health, happiness and anything selfish you can think off.
Then everything came true! Laser lights started blinding my eyes, techno beat pumped up my heart, vodka started drowning my lungs, and pretty people sorrounded the entire Temple.
I love my job! Imagine attending parties week in week out! Didn't I tell you I wanted to be Maurice Arcache? hehe

Pictured above is an event we recently co-sponsored at Temle Bar Greenbelt 3. Arrived around 12:30 so I missed the Open Bar! Too Bad... for me that is...

Actually I might integrate my official events (meaning office) and personal gimmicks into my Blog and look somethin like wut u see in the Lifestyle Section of daily's. HHHHmmmm

Anyway's till next time! Ciao people!